Labor and Social Security Law

Labor Law is a branch of law that examines the relations between workers 'rights, working conditions, workers' wages, trade unions and employee-employer relations, and the relations of the parties with the Social Security Institution and related issues. In the 60th article of the Constitution, the right to social security is regulated, and it is stated that everyone has the right to social security and that the state will take the necessary measures to ensure this security and establish the related organization. In this context, the Social Security Institution Law No. 5502 came into force in 2006 in our country. With this law, the Social Insurance Institution, T.C. The legal personality of the Retirement Fund and Bağ-kur has ended and has been gathered under one name under the name of Social Security Institution.

In our domestic law, Labor Law regulates Labor Law No. 4857, Press Labor Law, Maritime Labor Law, Unions and Collective Labor Agreement Law, Public Servants' Unions and Collective Labor Agreement Law.

Uslu Law Firm provides solution services through negotiations, reconciliation, and litigation in all kinds of legal disputes that may arise regarding the rights and responsibilities of the employee who is employed on the basis of the employment contract with the employer, regarding both the hiring and termination of the business relationship and the working conditions and working environment.

On the other hand, as of 1 January 2018, with the enforcement of the mediation institution as a legal requirement, our Office has adopted the mission of representing its clients in the best way in mediation meetings.

Some of the services provided by Uslu Law Firm in the field of Labor and Social Security Law are as follows:

  • Resolution of labor law disputes through negotiation, agreement and litigation,
  • Preparation and negotiation of employment contracts within the scope of the service relationship between the worker and the employer,
  • Preparation of workplace regulations and rules, and other workplace documents such as disciplinary regulations and regulations,
  • Litigation and follow-up for overtime, annual leave, week holiday and other labor receivables, especially severance and notice pay,
  • In cases where the workers are not insured, the insurance is not entered, opening and following up the service determination cases,
  • Providing legal consultancy services for workers and workplace transfers, workplace changes,
  • Providing consultancy services for the legal status of workers in the division, merger and acquisition of companies,
  • Representation of employers and workers in lawsuits filed due to work accidents,
  • In case of occupational diseases, filing of material and moral damages against the workplace,
  • Providing legal consultancy services for termination procedures, right termination, unfair termination, invalid termination at the termination stage of the employment contract and preparation of termination notification,
  • Opening and following a reemployment lawsuit,
  • Preparation of confidentiality and non-competition contracts in the context of the worker-employer relationship,
  • Filing and follow-up of mobing and bad faith damages,
  • In case of work accidents and occupational diseases, filing material and moral damages cases against the workplace,
  • Conducting communication and negotiations with unions, Ministries and administrative public authorities,
  • Litigation and follow-up on the basis of disputes arising from the Social Security legislation,
  • Providing legal counseling services in the preparation of documents related to employee personal files,
  • Providing legal advice on legal measures to be taken regarding occupational health and safety.